I have a job!

on Monday, December 29, 2008

So just to update again. After the interviews and all, I got a call back on the Monday before Christmas asking me to come back in for a second interview at Stillwater Life Services. I went in and pretty much it wasnt a second interview, they were just letting me know I had the job!!! I start on Jan. 5th, and Im actually really excited to start my new job, I think it is going to be fun and interesting. Although I will do some hardwork! I will have my own desk and everything! What I think is most awesome is that from the beginning before even doing any applying or anything this was the job I said I wanted. Right now, Im starting out at the bottom, but I want to stay in the non-profit organization sector of jobs, and you gotta start somewhere. So the pay isnt amazing, but I have a feeling Ill work my way up :) You always have to when it comes to non-profit. So be proud of me, I am officially employed!

Graduate am I .........

on Monday, December 15, 2008

Hola peoples. Well I am officially a college graduate, my mom now has the program from the ceremony with my name on it! :) I didnt walk, because I chose not to, and her friend attended and got an extra for my mom since I was in it.
Its crazy, right now not having anything to do is driving me bonkers.
Daniel may disagree, I think he thinks I enjoy being a bum and laying around the house. But to be honest, its not that fun. Right now, Im bored and cold. Would much rather be making money in a warm office. haha.
I am currently hoping I get this job, I talked about it before Stillwater Life Services. Before when I was interested in it, I didnt even know that it was a christian organization. I had turned in my resume and they asked me to fill out an application and the application was all about my walk with God and my spirituality. I had to have people in my church be my references. It was intense. They are pretty serious about your spiritual maturity working in this place. I think that makes it that much better as a future place of employment. I am praying God opens this door, but it may not be the one he has for me. Wherever he wants me, I pray something comes up soon! We got bills coming up next month, and need me to be getting some mula. Welp, just be praying that I find a good paying job, that I am able to use my talents and characteristics that God has given me to use for his benefit.

On another note, I have accomplished my goal of making a 3.0 this semester. It is actually a 3.016 :) This semester I went out with a bang, 2-A's, 2-B's, 1-C...... Probably the hardest semester of all my semesters, and I pulled off some pretty good grades, Im proud of myself!

One Final Left!

on Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Here are some Christmas pics of us, and our Christmas tree...

Ok so, the lives of Brittni and Daniel :) Well tomorrow will be my last Final, forever.. if i pass all my classes :) Im jk, I should... Although in 2 of my classes I have no idea where I stand on my grade because one teacher doesnt give us grades, even when we ask, she simply tells us we're doing fine. And the other one, we turned in 2 weeks ago! a video presentation, that is worth half of our grade and he has yet to grade it and tell us where we stand. And I took that final today, so I have no idea on the grade in that class either. Isnt college wonderful? Im so thankful to be done! People keep telling me to go back and get my masters, its just not in me. Im done... and I have no desire to go back, ever. But so far I have an A, and a B on my grades for the semester... Im expecting possibly another A, and 2 B's or 1 B and 1 C. Im hoping my GPA will be brought up a bit.
Be praying for me to find a job. I feel like Ive applied everywhere around here looking for a social service job... but seems that no one wants me :( everyone job that showed interest when I gave them my resume has fell through... so just pray I find a job, and an awesome one at that!

Daniel and I have taken over the youth group, unofficially. We have been crazy busy, with church, Chi Alpha, and the holidays. But finally we're getting to slow down a little, well we will after Christmas anyways. Those who knew we were looking at a house in Cushing, we decided to be responsible and live rent free for another year or so. Our goal is to live here long enough to pay off my school loans and our car loans, and then have a little saved for a house downpayment. And also save enough to buy a new car when the time comes. My goal is to pay cash for a brand new car! I've never been a good saver, so being able to save and pay cash for a car would be awesome. So thats a goal of ours. Then after all that, maybe there will be little Huff's once we have our "ducks in a line"- from the movie Alot Like Love. That seems to be a continuing question, about the little Huff's that is. From Daniel and his family! lol.