
on Thursday, April 30, 2009

I just wanted to post and say how much God has been doing in my life lately. Im just learning alot about myself and Gods leading. Hes leading me to places and away from places, and I want to follow. Im curious to know where hes taking me on this journey. I just have a heart to gain more understanding from him, and to learn more and more of where he desires for me to be. My eyes have been opened to see past all the bad things that have happened recently, and to see the bigger picture in which Gods leading me elsewhere. I just long for more, and desire to see where I may end up. I want to be stronger and more apt to see with His eyes, and to see his plan in all things.
Im at a good place in life today.... For some reason today, God has given me an astounding peace that HES GOT IT UNDER CONTROL, and I feel so care free and trusting in that.
Gods Good!