Not like anyone ever reads this anyways...

on Saturday, September 13, 2008

So my blog isnt as popular as Shaynes :) so I dont write as much. But at the moment Im bored, so I figured why not?Update on our lives lately...

Life has been going pretty good lately, Daniel got a raise which is awesome at the moment since I quit my job and am only a full time student now. And they also asked him if he'd be interested in getting his CDL, nad he told them he would if they paid for him to get it.... so they are paying for it and hes getting his CDL, then hes going to be getting another raise! Sweet huh? Its kinda a blessing and an ecnouragement after the way this summer was with his knee and everything. But were finally getting back on top of things. :) AMEN

School has been hectic, but so far not TOO bad, but Im sure further into the semester its going to get worse.

We have no like free weekends until Nov. We have crap going on every stinkin weekend until Nov. We've been extremely busy with church, youth, and Chi Alpha. Its been a stressful time of church. lol

Cool thing, there is a place here called Stillwater Life Services, its for pregnant women to offer another option other than abortion, they have parenting classes and adoption options. Its actually really cool and I was wanting to try and get a job there when I graduated. Well Ive been offered an internship there, and Im obviously going to take it in hopes of it turning into an employment after I graduate. I would love to work for this place, I believe so much in its mission and I think there going about it perfectly in getting into the lives of mothers. So be praying that maybe that can turn into an employer!!!!!

Other than that, just not a whole lot going on... but theres my life in a nutshell. Hope all is well with everyone else.