A little sad today......

on Saturday, January 10, 2009

I dont know why, but today Im feeling a baby bit sad. Its weird how life changes. How aftr marriage some things just arent the same. Your friends slowly drift away... their lives slowly dont include you. They slowly move on, and need you less and less. It would be easier if I knew I just completely hadnt reached out to them and tried to continue hanging out and being friends, but its harder when you realize theyve peaced you out because they dont have what you do. That they have peaced you out simply because they dont understand marriage bc they are still single. Because they dont like being the third wheel, or simply because they have single friends to hangout with. How can something that simple define a friendship? How can something as easy as not being so dern egocentric and focusing on their own insecurities because they are still single completely change a friendship?? Yeah, maybe on my end there are some differences because I cant just up and go to their house at 3 am like before... but I am still the friend I used to be. The more and more as our marriage goes on, I realize how much of a friend I have in Daniel. Hes there for me, has fun with me, makes me smile, is there for me when Im sad... Thats a friend. And apparently is all I can really count on these days... Marriage does change things, is shows you the friends you really have.

(Sorry if this seems cranky, Im just sick of my marriage being the blame for the change in friendships when its really deeper than that)


The Gobble's (Lanetta) said...

hey girl..
hang in there!!!!
so sorry things are changing.. change stinks.. and friendships ending hurts, but God has a plan..
I heard Lisa Bevere speak this weekend at a women's conference and she said that God stripped her of all her friendship except John (her husband) about 10 years ago... she said that God wanted HER... and wanted to her align with him and his word for her life.. and in order for that to happen he had to push her "friends" aside! so, I couldn't help but think about her sermon while reading your latest post.. maybe God is wanting to do the same thing in you... Cling to him!!! Maybe he wants to birth soemthing new in your heart and life and he needed your complete attention!!!! Hold tight girl, cause even when things like this hurt.. God has a PLAN!!!!!
Hey... I can't find your e-mail on the blog.. can you e-mail me??
Praying for you..
Blessings always,

Anonymous said...

Aw, I'm sorry Brittni. A lot of them are probably jealous even though they would never admit it. And then some of them just think that you wouldn't want to hang out as much now that you have a husband. Nevertheless, hang in there - I love ya!